Magic The Gathering Foil

MTG ALTERED 1X Foil Selvala, Explorer Returned magic the gathering Hand Painted

MTG ALTERED 1X Foil Selvala, Explorer Returned magic the gathering Hand Painted
MTG ALTERED 1X Foil Selvala, Explorer Returned magic the gathering Hand Painted
MTG ALTERED 1X Foil Selvala, Explorer Returned magic the gathering Hand Painted

MTG ALTERED 1X Foil Selvala, Explorer Returned magic the gathering Hand Painted

This Magic: The Gathering card features Emperor Palpatine, flush from his victory over yoda in the senate chamber The card is beautifully hand-painted By Scourge alters. Its ability to Parlay over and over make it a sought-after addition to any collection. Experience the thrill of owning a one of a kind unique card like this. Whether you're a fan of alters, Star wars or just love the game, this card is sure to impress. If you would like better pictures, just ask.

MTG ALTERED 1X Foil Selvala, Explorer Returned magic the gathering Hand Painted