Magic The Gathering Foil

Glittering Caves of Aglarond Surge Foil LTC 0394 NM MTG Magic

Glittering Caves of Aglarond Surge Foil LTC 0394 NM MTG Magic

Glittering Caves of Aglarond Surge Foil LTC 0394 NM MTG Magic

This is a listing for the item in the title and shown in the image. If there are multiple quantities in the listing then there's a good chance the exact card in the picture won't be the one you receive.

That means there may be a slight deviation such as borders, holo stamp placement, foiling pattern, etc. Card will still be in the same condition as listed in the title.

I'm not a professional card grader so conditions are listed based on my knowledge. Otherwise the item will be sent sleeved in a toploader using a standard envelope and stamps.

Glittering Caves of Aglarond Surge Foil LTC 0394 NM MTG Magic