Magic The Gathering Foil

23lb MTG card collection! 200 Rares! Mythics! Foils! THOUSANDS of cards

23lb MTG card collection! 200 Rares! Mythics! Foils! THOUSANDS of cards
23lb MTG card collection! 200 Rares! Mythics! Foils! THOUSANDS of cards
23lb MTG card collection! 200 Rares! Mythics! Foils! THOUSANDS of cards
23lb MTG card collection! 200 Rares! Mythics! Foils! THOUSANDS of cards
23lb MTG card collection! 200 Rares! Mythics! Foils! THOUSANDS of cards
23lb MTG card collection! 200 Rares! Mythics! Foils! THOUSANDS of cards
23lb MTG card collection! 200 Rares! Mythics! Foils! THOUSANDS of cards
23lb MTG card collection! 200 Rares! Mythics! Foils! THOUSANDS of cards
23lb MTG card collection! 200 Rares! Mythics! Foils! THOUSANDS of cards

23lb MTG card collection! 200 Rares! Mythics! Foils! THOUSANDS of cards
This is a GREAT value for a casual player or collector. Tons of good cards for deck building or commander! It will be a ton of fun to go through!

This is truly an instant collection! 200x Rares Normal, mostly newer sets. 08x Foil Rares (newer sets). 50x Foil Basic lands (mixed newer sets).

100x Random common and uncommon Foils. 01x Life Counter (see pics). Xx Thousands of random Commons and Uncommons from various sets. This is not "game store" bulk that has been picked clean, so there's still quite a bit of decent stuff in it.

I included a pic of some random commons and uncommons that are included to give you a general idea. Foils may show some curling. Please feel free to ask questions!

23lb MTG card collection! 200 Rares! Mythics! Foils! THOUSANDS of cards